Environment and Energy

Operation and maintenance of pumps and rotary equipment is usually 5-10 times more expensive than the initial investment. Our main focus is therefore to find the best way for our customers to make great savings by finding efficient solutions for their applications.

Our pumping solutions are famous for the great reliability and efficiency. We can help you improve performance and be more cost efficient. With our pumping solutions, saving cost is compatible with respect for ecology and environment.

We are “Expert in flow, reliability and cost optimization”.

Did you know?

Fuglesangs is concerned with district heating, this technology can be implemented in various projects where decarborization, energy efficiency, sustainability and operating costs are the most important factors!

You can also contact us for more information on how district heating can be implemented more efficiently for your projects! CONTACT US


Håvard Næss
Håvard Næss

Salgsingeniør / Sales Engineer

M. +47 482 06 325
E. hna@fuglesangs.no

Any questions?

+47 22 54 20 00