• Reliability and operational safety
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Reduction of the administration concerning the pump monitoring and installation
  • Conform to legislation


You are looking for a professional pump maintenance service, managed by experts in pumps and pumping systems ? Then Fuglesangs is a very wise choice!

More than a century of field´s experience in pumps and pumping systems for all industries make us real experts.

We maintain all kind of industrial pumps in Norway, from simple preventive pump maintenance to a yearly guaranteed pump maintenance service contract, we build together the customized solution that will fullfill your needs, at afordable price.

Our team of experts is fully equipped to join you fast in case of any troubleshoot. Thanks to our unmatched know-how in various industries and applications, we make sure your pumping system works perfeclty, so that you get even better performance for each pump while increasing their service life.

Our pump maintenance service in Olso increases the reliability and operational safety of your pumping system, with an important operating cost reduction, and a reduction of the administration concerning the sound pump monitoring and installation.

Thanks to our partnership with the bigger pumps companies in the world, we have access to all kind of spare parts, even obsolete.

Our experience as manufacturer of engineered customized pumping systems, brings us deep knowledge and huge expertise in the way to maintain industrial pumps for all application, from small pumps to big and complex pumping systems.

Our experts team is at your disposal to ensure the most efficient pump maintenance service. Please contact us for any quotation.

In addition to pump repairs, Fuglesangs also often performs maintenance on electric motors. We have equipment for troubleshooting and repairs. Larger jobs such as wrapping are done at our subcontractors. If it is not cost-effective to repair, then we get new engines from ABB at a favorable price.

Terje Hedum
Terje Hedum

Verkstedsjef / Workshop Manager

M. +47 91 54 20 06

Any questions?

+47 22 54 20 00